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CNC Cutting Tools
72 products found
Shoulder face mill cutter in 125mm diameter with 11 teeth, 90 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Shoulder face mill cutter in 100mm diameter with 8 teeth, 90 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Shoulder face mill cutter in 160mm diameter with 12 teeth, 45 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Shoulder face mill cutter in 125mm diameter with 10 teeth, 45 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Shoulder face mill cutter in 100mm diameter with 8 teeth, 45 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Shoulder face mill cutter in 80mm diameter with 6 teeth, 45 degree tool cutting edge angle.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Suitable for shoulder milling.
Indexable drill with diameter 21.0mm in 3D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 14.5mm in 3D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 41.5mm in 2D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 36.0mm in 2D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 31.0mm in 2D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 25.5mm in 2D drilling depth.
Indexable drill with diameter 19.0mm in 2D drilling depth.
Internal Grooving Holder with 32mm Shank size and 4mm cutting width in left hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 32mm Shank size and 3mm cutting width in left hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 25mm Shank size and 4mm cutting width in left hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 20mm Shank size and 4mm cutting width in left hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 20mm Shank size and 3mm cutting width in left hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 32mm Shank size and 4mm cutting width in right hand.
Internal Grooving Holder with 25mm Shank size and 4mm cutting width in right hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 32mm shank size and 6mm cutting width in left hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 32mm shank size and 4mm cutting width in left hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 25mm shank size and 6mm cutting width in left hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 25mm shank size and 4mm cutting width in left hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 32mm shank size and 6mm cutting width in right hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 32mm shank size and 4mm cutting width in right hand.
End Face Grooving Holder with 25mm shank size and 6mm cutting width in right hand.
Fast Feed end mill cutter in diameter 30mm with 5 teeth.
Slotting cutter in 160mm diameter and 18 teeth and 6mm cutting width.
Slotting cutter in 125mm diameter and 14 teeth and 6mm cutting width.
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